Friday, July 20, 2007

The Future of the Internet

Here are a couple links which might be of interest to some regarding the spectrum auction being held by our government next year. The winner of this auction may have a large hand in shaping how we will wirelessly access the Internet in the near future. The stories are about Google getting into the game, and the conditions they have proposed for the auction.

Google announces intent to bid on 700MHz spectrum auction

Google Blog


Unknown said...

I'm tingling over the idea of a ubiquitous network that doesn't have telcos as gatekeepers.

andrew said...

This is where I first heard about it. I suppose Iphone useres will be extatic

cardinal23 said...

I don't think that is quite the same story, Andy.

Unknown said...

But it is an interesting second sign of the death of de-regulation.

andrew said...

listen a bit into there, aroudn 1:50.

Google needs to get a chunk of airwaves, either "open access rules" laws being proposed or by "buying up a chunck of the spectrum itself" that TV stations used to use, but no longer need as they are going digital, thats the FCC auction your article is talking about.

It is hitting all the same points as your article. The whole opening statement of 'everyone gets an Iphone like device?' is addressing "Under a truly open network, consumers would be able to use any application on any device that they want." mentioned in your article

cardinal23 said...

Ah, I see, Andy. No hint of that in the summary.

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