Friday, August 13, 2010

Winter is Coming... sometime.

For those interested in the current state of casting on HBO's A Game of Thrones, this is a nice summary, broken down by House.


Qhorin said...

March. Please.

Love the casting - most of these people are very close to my mind's eye. Only exception might be Robert Baratheon, who I viewed as a bigger man.

Les Toil said...

Sorry this isn't relevant to this particular post, but I think you may find this trailer to this old obscure Jon Voight movie called "Out of It" interesting. A few years ago I remember you were doing a bit of digging on where that catchy Danger Doom sample came from (that Tarantino also used a few times). I know you located the original source/composer, but it's kinda cool hearing it in this old 1969 trailer. It's also fascinating seeing Voight play a high school bully at age 31.

w1ndst0rm said...

Ahhhh, Sansa ...

I mean, the Theon cast is the Theon in my head. And why oh why would anyone want to come back across the narrow sea? Yowza!

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