Wednesday, September 5, 2007

More Boardgame/Videogame Convergence

Reiner officially joins the juggernaut. I've really enjoyed playing Carc and Catan on XBox, but this seems to be a turn for the worst.
First, I haven't enjoyed a Reiner design since 2000 (Taj Mahal, Traumfabrik) . He's been spitting out 20 mediocre games since then. Second, having a captive designer means Microsoft doesn't need to go out and sign contracts to get the best new games. Third, I'd much rather support the Splotter Model (Antiquity, Indonesia, Roads & Boats), where you develop a game for 20 years and charge $100 for something that cost $5 to make. Sadly, I think the market wants churned out cookie cutter mechanic, themeless Euros. Finally, Reiner is a stiff.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The good new is that this is only one publisher. There's still room for other publishers to tackle other titles. Carcassonne, for example, is a Sierra game -- not produced by the Xbox group.

To be honest I'm more worried that he's working with Merscom. Their games are mostly crap, occasionally God-awful.

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