Friday, November 16, 2007

Four Days Early, One Day Late

UPS showed up bright and early this morning with two huge boxes. One had an individual guitar. The other, the Rock Band special edition. One day earlier and we could have spent our usual Thursday rocking out. Though last night turned out to be a good night at the source. I won another round of A Game of Thrones against Luke (doesn't he realize I'm trying to get new cards?) and we tried out a new game whose name eludes me.

I'll be reviewing Rock Band for Paste, which won't see print for a while, so I'll be sure to post impressions here frequently.


cardinal23 said...

You played Race for the Galaxy.

I look forward to impressions.

Unknown said...

Race for the Galaxy. Right. I tried looking on the 'geek, but got about a zillion results when I searched for "space."

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