Source Dorks is a pop culture blog written by a circle of friends who frequently meet to play games and geek out at Source Comics and Games in the suburbs of Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
There's Never Been a Better Time to Jump Ship
If you ask me, Mike Bloomberg has the right idea. When a Republican president and Democratic congress both have abysmal approval ratings, a unique opportunity to move off the political grid presents itself. When so many people on both sides of the proverbial aisle are dissatisfied, everyone is looking for a new place to put their political faith. Why not throw in with the guy who's swinging from the balcony?
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Throw in with the billionaire who conviently switches his party to what he feels is more electable?
The same guy who hosted the 2004 GOP convention and praised Bush throughout?
The same guy who championed banning both smoking and trans-fats from New York?
Yeah, while this guy may have the "right idea" he is just more of the same but opportuistic about it. The first two choices suck along with this third choice.
Our two political parties are a cancer. When a man decides to leave this corrupt system, for whatever reason, it is cause for celebration.
A pox on both your houses.
Things are looking good when the most politically expedient move is to go independent.
I didn't mean to say throw in with Bloomberg, I meant throw in with whomever doesn't have a -D or -R by their names.
Go Green.
Go Libertarian.
Go Whig.
Hell, vote for Pat Buchannan.
None of them might win, but we might keep 50% + 1 entertainingly out of the Big Two's reach for a while.
I don't disagree with going outside the D or R parties. Just not with Bloomberg who is as much a politician as any "official" party member. Just because he thinks it's expedient to step outside the two major parties for electability doesn't mean he's not selling that same old snake oil.
Give me someone who is leaving because they're truly fed up with party politics. Not a guy with a history of jumping to improve his chances.
Geoff, I think the good news is that there's the potential for Bloomberg to be the first rat of many off the sinking 2-party ship. Maybe they'll bring a couple non-vermin with them.
I'm not looking for a reformed third option. I want a new untainted by the beltway third option.
Hose- It's like you didn't read the article I linked.
Tim- They're out there. Go find them. The Greens have yet to send someone to Washington. The Libertarians just have a few congressmen from Arizona and California. I'm pretty sure the American Communist Party hasn't sent anyone anywhere.
The Minnesota Independence Party hasn't ever mounted a presidential campaign, but maybe that's because they don't play so well outside of Minnesota. But, hell, vote for them anyway.
Well, I have read the article you linked and my opinion is not different from prior to reading it.
BTW, I actually am a registered member of the Independence party so thanks for pimping it. :)
You're a registered member of the Independence Party, Hose? I seem to remember you sneering at me when I said I voted for Jesse, when did you come around?
The sneer was because I didn't think much of Jesse, not because I didn't like the Independence party.
You didn't read the article I linked, unless you learned German since we last spoke.
I was just looking for the barest excuse to write "you must not have read the article."
I guess it was too far to go for too small a joke. Tim understands.
What? There is a link to an English version on the site. So I actually read the translated article.
I don't know if we will see as many people totally ditch the 2 major parties as we will see people moving back and forth
...unless we convince them it's a really good idea, which was the whole point in the first place!
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