Tim and I trekked out to see the Guitar Hero II tournament at the Mall of America Saturday. The turn out was good and the competition fairly fierce. In the first round players vied for the high score on "Rock This Town" at the expert difficulty. The best player nailed upwards of 340,000 points. The level of competition was way beyond my skills, but Tim had the guts to get up there and have a go. To punish him for his bravery I shoved my camera phone in his face.

They are having GHIII there in August. We all gotta plan ahead this time.
Or was it Guitar Hero '80s?
if plan ahead means come and give moral support, sure
if plan ahead means play, no thanks
Man, if you wear a Guitar Hero shirt to the Guitar Hero Tournament, you'd better represent.
Did you?
Do NOT be that guy.
GH 80's is correct.
I think I just represented old guys.
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