My favorite part of a road trip is scanning the radio for music that I don't usually listen to. (classic rock and country) I also almost always catch "One Burbon, One Scotch, and One Beer" which is a great driving tune. That song even makes cars on cruise control go a little faster. Anyway, Karri and I found this country song with an almost EMO layer to it. As far as I am concerned she is another reason to flirt with country every once in awhile. Waters may like her because she is under 18.
Source Dorks is a pop culture blog written by a circle of friends who frequently meet to play games and geek out at Source Comics and Games in the suburbs of Minneapolis, Minnesota.
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In what bizarro world does a girl like that sing about unrequited love? Everybody knows that heavy eye lids, much like milkshakes, bring the boys to the yard. I like the banjo picking during the verses -- the enduring impact of the O' Brother Where Art Thou soundtrack no doubt. It's also kind cute the way that Nashville has discovered emo. Country's been about moping and crying way longer than punk has.
what I find interesting is the portral in O Brother of local stations gathering 'old timey music.'
At the time, radio stations were basically playing classical music and honestly thought such music exposure actually altered human beings, made them have better posture, less likely to get drunk etc etc. The other side of radio stations were guys who were broadcasting live bands as they played in speak-easies. (and basically having the same social impact and attention as violent gansta rap of today) In many areas, especially the rural south, they didn't want 'coloreds music' nor 'hi-brow' stuff...and hence were going for 'old timey music' which was really 'coloreds music' from 30-50 years ago just been bouncing around long enough to loose it's close association.
Anyways, it was this 'old timey music' that lead to the 'grande ole opre' and country music as we know it today.
I found it interesting that rock & roll and country/western really spring from the same source, 'coloreds music' reprocessed as to not offend.
Of course, even today we are seeing rap stuff reprocessed to be much less offensive and used in tv commercials etc.
oh, and I think there has been a banjo/fiddle undercurrent playing alongside 'mainstream country' for about the past 10 years. Bluegrass has really made a resurgence.
I suspect that you think O Brother Soundtrack simply because thats the one bit that has managed to 'jump the fence' whereas the 'country underground banjo music' is really what is altering current country music trends
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