Monday, June 11, 2007

Oh my, i WAS reincarnated.

or whaterver
This pic is uncanny. (found it here)

->creeped out


Unknown said...

Is that the early artwork for that Game of Thrones card?

cardinal23 said...

I'm not very familiar with this reincarnation stuff, but in order to be reincarnated as this guy, doesn't he have to die first?

w1ndst0rm said...

(I'm working on a sci-fi short story with this)

That is how we assume reincarnation works. But in this case (story) science experimented with reincarnation and something else happened. They tried to reincarnate this guy but something went wrong and he 'came back' as two people. And of course, one is good and one is evil . . .

And Star Trek has done this one to death.

Unknown said...

According to what I've learned from watching Star Trek both of you have the requisite facial hair to be from the Mirror universe. Pure Newtonian hygiene. For every cleanly shaved upper lip, there is an equal and opposite mustache.

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