I've been trying to figure out which part of Halo 3 to review. The single-player story, which I blew through in a day, is the traditional answer. But I've never really been all that enamored with the campaigns. Never even finished the second one. But then NeoGAF user Crush posted the above picture in a screen shot thread. An elaboration of a virtual self portrait that I generated in the Halo 3 theater. You can see the original on my Bungie file share. My pose somehow reminded me of Hard Gay when he says, "foooooo!" Crush took the idea and ran. I'm thinking my review of Halo 3 is going to be about the real game -- the one that we can keep playing in endless online matches, face-to-face at Halo parties and now, apparently, even after the 360 has been powered down.
I had no problem whatsoever imagining you inside that armor.
I expect a video of your Halo character doing the F.O.E dance posthaste.
You are totally rigth on this one, Gus. I just saved my entire campaign mode. (what is done so far) Watching from other perspectives with a free roaming camera is awesome. Now I just need to edit my highlite reel. Including the Ghost I took out with a rocket. Only to have it fall on me a few seconds later.
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