Alexis thinks I'm trying to embarrass her with my new shoes, but I'm honestly head-over-heels in love with these things. Vans high tops were my sneaker of choice in high school. I just couldn't resist these custom versions I saw online a couple of weeks ago. I fully realize that by buying and wearing these I'm confirming my status as a nostalgia-infected oldster. If my wife thinks I'm a dork for buying stuff like this what are our kids gonna think?
Now all I need are some cool Tron kicks (not those tacky Adidas, sorry) and my wardrobe will be complete. Anybody know a good sneaker pimp?
Dammit, Gus! Put those away before someone notices that Rob Zombie stole their stage show!
I don't think Iron Maiden can afford stage shows any longer, so it's all good.
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