Monday, April 27, 2009

Before Tim Posts It

Nyle "Let The Beat Build" from Nyle on Vimeo.

Nyle, am optomistic NYU student plays live his classmates. Gawker, where I found the clip, makes the point that all NYU kids aren't whiny, trust-fund idiots. 


w1ndst0rm said...

All in one camera shot too.

avk said...

"That'll put hair on your chest like body-wash Rogaine."

andrew said...

"makes the point that all NYU kids aren't whiny, trust-fund idiots."

I realize Paris Hilton and her crowd get a lot of media time, but I didn't realize that the 'hard streets of Brookyln' (the Bronx, Harlem, etc) had been removed enough from the public eye to require such reminders.

That's also not counting the tens thousands of families of hard working recent immigrants whose kids are busy helping the family make ends meet who go unseen yet are litch-pins in the life of the upper Manhattan elites...because someone has to change the lightbulbs, clean the floors, iron the shirts, cook the meals, etc.

Unknown said...

I'm not sure many of the people you mentioned attend New York University.

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