Friday, April 13, 2007

Tim, Gus, Geoff and Andy just got rich

Here's to us boys, think back and remember all that you can from our last outing, then cash in!

--->The picture should be right here but I failed blogging 1o1

I gave them a call and told them about myself, but they didn't seem very receptive, I hope I get my money soon. If not, Gus, your dad still lives in Cali, right? What's his favorite color?


andrew said...

p.s. Tim, you are so busted

avk said...

What does Ikea want people with guns for? And how can they justify such a high bounty?

Unknown said...

That formula in the picture looks like instructions for extortion.

w1ndst0rm said...

Andy, you had to click on the link yourself to see my funny post.

~When are you going to give my video back?

andrew said...

yes, but the only reason I don't go to strip clubs every single day is because I am a cheap bastard

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