Thursday, August 9, 2007

"Sakaguchi’s curb stomps be words."

I'm getting the feeling that regular links to Tim Rogers' Action Button reviews are going to be a regular thing. His Blue Dragon review is a sprawling essay that waxes on reading RPG manuals over a Saturday morning bowl of cereal and compares Sakaguchi's game design to that of Gears of War.

Pro tip: Ignore the guy's scores. His "bottom line" says much, much more about the game he's reviewing.


w1ndst0rm said...

Well, it starts at the breakfast table and mentions GoW but that is not the real meat of the review. It just scratches the surface of all kinds of JRPG game and developer history and intrigue.

Intrigue I tell you!

I always read my manuals at night in bed. I'm too tired to play the game at a successful level but still want to be in that alternate world. I smell instruction manuals like Dock inhales freshly opened CCG's and board game bits.

There is nothing like waking up in the morning and peeling a glossy art covered page of item and gear lists off of your cheek.

In fact on a shelf next to my bed right now are all of the Bradygames/Prima Final Fantasy guides. (Along with the SDF-1.) The FFT guide has seen better days but has never looked better. Never looked more loved.

Sweet dreams Timmy, sweet dreams.

Unknown said...

The intrigue regarding the different creators is pretty awesome -- not the sort of detail you get from most Western game coverage. For some reason our writers never dish on the inside baseball.

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